Report Viewer is a web based reporting tool which contains over standard 50 reports. Report results can be filtered using the parameters provided and are exportable to a number of formats including XLSX, CSV and PDF.
Below is a sample of reports that are available in Report Viewer along with a brief explanation of the purpose of the report.
Report List
List Reports
Account List
A report which lists all accounts within the customer's database along with some customizable group columns.
Location: Lists \ All \ Account List
Deal List with Discount Triggers
A report which lists all deals that have been configured in Perenso Administrator. The report includes details such as the discounts available within the deal and which products \ accounts are avaialble to receive the deal \ discounts.
Location: Lists \ All \ Account List
Sales Reports
Account Sales Summary
A report that shows sales by account for the selected period, including values for units, list price and NIS. This report can be filtered to a specific time period, group of products or group of customers.
Location: Sales \ Summary \ Account Sales Summary
Rep Activity Summary
A summary report designed to give users an overview of the number of calls being completed by Reps and a glance at the sales associated with those calls. The 'Rep Activity Detail' version of this report gives users lower level of detail on this information.
Report Viewer Location: Sales \ Summary \ Rep Activity Summary
User Summary
A report that allows a user to generate a summary of a week/month/year including # of calls, # of orders and a breakdown of sales by product. Each user is displayed on a separate page.
Report Viewer Location: Sales \ Summary \ User Summary
Account Sales By Month
A report that displays accounts by group (e.g. Grade), along with either Unit, NIS or List Price sales by month for a selected calendar year. This report can also be filtered to a specific group of products or group of customers.
Report Viewer Location: Sales \ Summary \ Account Sales By Month
Account Group Sales By Product By Month
A report that displays sales for a Account Groups (e.g. Banners) by Product. Values returned can be units, List Price and NIS. This report can also be filtered to a specific year, group of products or group of customers.
Report Viewer Location: Sales \ Summary \ Account Group Sales By Product By Month
Call and Order Detail with Notes
A detail report that shows all calls created in Perenso for a selected period, along with any notes and order details (if an order was placed). This report can be filtered to a specific time period, group of products or group of customers.
Due to the potential size of this report, this is an "Export Only" report which means a preview of the data is available within Report Viewer however to access all the data the report must be exported to an XLSX file.
Report Viewer Location: Sales \ Detail \ Call and Order Detail with Notes
Rep Activity Detail
A detailed report designed to give users an overview what was achieved in each call by each user for a selected period.. The 'Rep Activity Summary' version of this report gives users a summary of this information.
Report Viewer Location: Sales \ Detail \ Rep Activity Detail
Two Sales Period Comparison by Account
This report provides a summary of account sales by NIS and Unit Quantity for two selected periods, along with columns to display the variance and growth between the two selected periods.
Report Viewer Location: Sales \ Detail \ Rep Activity Detail
Reach Summary
This report provides a summary of accounts that have had a completed call recorded on them in Perenso for a selected time period (i.e. they have been visited or "Reached"). Account Territories are displayed down the page, while customer groups are shown across the page. This report can also be filtered to a specific group of customers or user. The 'Reach Detail' version of this report gives users lower level of detail on this information.
Report Viewer Location: Coverage \ Summary \ Reach Summary
Frequency Summary
This report provides a summary of accounts by group in relation to the frequency of calls. Account Groups are displayed down the page, while # Of Calls are shown across the page. The intention of this report is to identify account groups that have been under or over serviced. This report can also be filtered to a specific group of customers or users. The 'Frequency Detail' version of this report gives users lower level of detail on this information.
Report Viewer Location: Coverage \ Summary \ Frequency Summary
Frequency Detail
This report provides a detailed list of accounts and the number of calls on them within a calendar year. The intention of this report is to identify account groups that have been under or over serviced. This report can also be filtered to a specific group of customers or users.
Report Viewer Location: Coverage \ Summary \ Frequency Detail
Reach Detail
This report provides a detailed list of accounts and if they have been "Reached" during a user defined time period. A
Report Viewer Location: Coverage \ Summary \ Reach Detail