
As users of Perenso take orders that contain deals, you may be interested in reporting on how a particular deal is performing. How many accounts have ordered it? How many unique orders have been taken that contain that deal? What is the total sales for the deal? Which territory has sold the most? The report "Deal Sales by Account Group" which is available from within Perenso Report Viewer will answer these questions.

Deal Sales by Account Group report 

Report Viewer Click Path: Sales -> Summary -> Deal Sales by Account Group


I am half way through a cycle 3 and I want to know my "Colds and Flu" deal is performing.


  1. Go to 
  2. Click on Report Viewer 
  3. Enter your Company ID, User ID and Password
  4. Click Login 
  5. From the "Choose Report" section on the left, select the Category "Sales", the Sub Category "Summary" and the report "Deal Sales by Account Group"
  6. Filter the report if required by using the "Parameters" available on the left hand side. For example:
    - Change the "Period" to be "Cycle 3"
    - Change the "Deal" to be "Colds and Flu" 
  7. Click Generate Report