
Within Perenso Administrator, you have the ability to set up things a Rep can do or do when in a store. One of these things are called "Competitor Information".

Competitor Information is a broad term and the uses for it can vary widely but in short, it is somewhere where you create a range of "Types" and associate them with "Groups" and then allow the Reps to record a note on it. For example, you may have a "Type" of "Competitor Display" and the "Groups" might be your bands. The rep would then select "Competitor Display" and your corresponding brand to record some notes on the competitor's product display.

Once a "Competitor Information" to do item has been setup, you have the ability to report on these to monitor the answers by counting the "Types" that have answers populated.

Competitor Info Summary report

Report Viewer Click Path: Store Check -> Summary -> Competitor Info Summary


I want to know which banners had the most competitor display's up in the Eye Care range last month.


  1. Go to
  2. Click on Report Viewer 
  3. Enter your Company ID, User ID and Password
  4. Click Login 
  5. From the "Choose Report" section on the left, select the Category "Store Check", the Sub Category "Summary" and the report "Competitor Info Summary"
  6. Filter the report if required by using the "Parameters" available on the left hand side. For example
    - Change the "Period" to be the previous month
    - Change the "View By" to be "Banner"
    - Change the "Category\Brand" to be "Eye Care" 
  7. Click Generate Report

Can I see a detailed list of the Accounts?

Yes. There is a detailed version of this report found in: Category "Store Check" - > Sub Category "Detail" -> "Competitor Info Detail" that will give you this information.

How do I allow users to capture Competitor Information on their iPads?

Within a Store Check work item in Administrator, simply add a "Competitor Information" to do item. Steps on how to do this can be found here.

What call types are counted in this report?

In this particular report, the call type is defined by a parameter (the "Call Type" parameter). Leaving this set to "All" means any call counts on this report. You can change this by changing the parameter from "All" to a specific call type if required.