Tapping on any call in the list will draw out the diary sidebar. The actions from the sidebar are described below.

  • Open/View
    Starts the call.

  • Call Details
    Allows you to adjust the call type, start time, duration, as well as the option to delete the call.
    If a start time is not necessary then the call can be set to the next available time slot in the diary.

  • Quick Account Details
    A condensed version of the account details is shown in this item. Pressing on Account Details heading will load the details in full view.

  • Brief Activity History
    This item displays the most recent activities of the account with minimal detail. Pressing on History opens the activity history in full detail.

  • Call Objectives
    Shows the most recent incomplete objectives for the account. Pressing on Call Objectives will load all of the accounts call objectives.

  • Notes
    Loads up to the 10 newest notes made during a Call for that account.

  • Coverage
    Displays the coverage status and details of an account. This option is used to assist the meeting of coverage targets.

  • Map
    Shows the exact location of the accounts on a map using the primary address.

 Note: The Diary Sidebar is not available in 5 or 7 Day Modes, or whilst the app is in Offline Mode.