A summary report that gives users an overview of the Rep Initiated Over and Above's being actioned and the results of those actions.

A detailed version of this report is also available for a lower level view.

Report Location

Report Category: Store Check

Report Sub Category: Summary

Report: Over and Above Summary

Report Sample

View By
# of Accounts# of Accounts Called On# of Calls With Data
Over and Above
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Type 5
Type 6Type 7Type 8Type 9Type 10
Territory 1300120726212102312711102
Territory 230515381707662192018003
Territory 33501729588208727174112050
Territory 42852038852187417243119801
Territory 5310524340210032178302

Totals & Sub-Totals

Grand Total at the bottom of the report


  • Periods (Year, Cycle, Month, Week)
  • View By Account Group
  • All Account Groups
  • Product Group

Requirements for report

  • Accounts exist in the Perenso database
  • Report Config has been done in Administrator for "Group" parameters to show data / work

Sort Order

  • Account Group

Column Details

View By

This will change depending on the "View By" parameter set on the report. For example, if "Territory" is selected in the View By parameter then this column will return the description for all territories.

# of Accounts

This column returns the total number of active accounts within the Account Group in column A (in this example, "Territory").


# of Accounts Called On

This column returns the unique total number of accounts that have been called on of those accounts in the # of Accounts column. For an account to be counted here, it must have at least 1 completed call on it within the specified period (set in the parameters of the report) and the call must have be of a type that Counts towards the User's Call Rate (i.e. the box  "This Call Type Counts towards the User's Call Rate" is checked on the Call Type in Administrator)


# of Calls With Data

This column returns the total number of calls that have a completed call (same calculation as "# of Accounts Called On") that also contain a completed Over and Above Type


Question 1 through to Question 10

These are example columns only. This report shows every Over and Above Type in the Perenso database.

This column returns the total number of calls that have a completed Work Item (as specified in the parameters) and an answer for the Type in the column header exists. For example, if the parameter View By = "Grade", then this column returns the total number of calls where the each Over and Above Type was completed and an answer was recorded against each Grade exists.