Allows users to report on Sales vs Target and Calls, including a breakdown of sales taken in orders that do and do not count towards call rate.

Report Location 

Report Category: Sales

Report Sub Category: Summary

Report: Rep Summary - Target and Activity

Report Sample

Totals & Sub-Totals  

Grand Total


  • User (Multi Select)
  • Period (note this is predefined to the following): 
  1. Today
  2. Yesterday
  3. Week
  4. Month
  5. Year
  6. MAT
  7. Custom (Cycle)

Requirements for report 

  • Accounts exist in the Perenso database.
  • Report Config has been done in Administrator
  • If run by a Manager, all Reps will be seen
  • If run by a Rep, they will only see their own results

Sort Order 

  1. User (A-Z)

Column Details

·       User
 This column Display Name of the users. All users who are Active and visible to the logged in user are returned.

·       Total Days
 Returns the total number of days in the selected period (e.g. May-2019 is 31)

·       Days Elapsed
 Days Elapsed \ Total Days

·       % Elapsed 
This column returns the total number of completed calls on any active account for the call type and period specified within the parameters.

·       Total Sales
 Total NIS value of orders placed during the selected period that are marked as sent

·       Total Target

If run for a month, returns the target value for that month for that user

Does not return results for Day or Week as targets are not loaded by day or week

  • % Target

Total Sales \ Total Target (as a percentage to 0 decimals)

  • Var Target

Total Sales - Total Target

Count Towards Call Rate

  • # Calls

Total number of completed calls that are set to "Count Towards Call Rate" in Administrator

  • # Orders

Total # of orders placed during the selected period that are marked as sent completed within calls that are set to "Count Towards Call Rate" in Administrator

  • NIS $

Total NIS $ value of orders placed during the selected period that are marked as sent completed within calls that are set to "Count Towards Call Rate" in Administrator


Strike Rate

# Orders \ # Calls


# Active Accts

The total number of unique accounts that have placed an order during the selected period that are marked as sent


Does Not Count Call Rate

  • # Calls

Total number of completed calls that are set to "Does Not Count Towards Call Rate" in Administrator


# Orders

Total # of orders placed during the selected period that are marked as sent completed within calls that are set to "Does Not Count Towards Call Rate" in Administrator



·        Total NIS $ value of orders placed during the selected period that are marked as sent completed within calls that are set to "Do Not Count Towards Call Rate" in Administrator