A report that displays the distribution of Primary Product Groups (Level 2) as columns and by row, the Primary Account Group (Level 1). The report details the distribution for the SKU's in the selected product group for the specified Account Group. For example, if "A Grade" was selected as the Account Group and "Eye Care" was selected as the Product Group then this report would show distribution by SKU for all products in the Eye Care range for A Grade accounts.

Report Location 

Report Category: Distribution

Report Sub Category: Summary

Report: Distribution by Territory by Product Group

Report Sample

Totals & Sub-Totals

The sub-total is at the first level of the Primary Account Group (set in Report Config) as per the example above.

The grand total can be found below the first level of the Primary Account Groups in the report.


  • Account Group 1 - Group 4 (as set in "Report Config")
  • Product Group "Reports On" (as set in "Report Config")
  • Period (Months, Cycles and Years)

Requirements for report 

  • Accounts exist in the Perenso database
  • Report Config has been done in Administrator for "Group" parameters to show data / work
  • Products have to have been ordered by an account or marked as Dist = Y in a "Check the Store " within the specified period or marked as Dist = Y for a result to be counted

Sort Order 

Column A (Primary Account Group). A-Z.

Column Details 

  • Territory (used an an example only) 
    This column returns a list of the "Group Reports On" Group descriptions (as set in Report Config). In this example, "Territory" has been set to the "Group Reports On" Account Group in Administrator.

  • # (Grade) Accts 
    This column returns the total number of accounts within the first Account Group in the "Extra Group 1" field within Reporting Config in Perenso Administrator. For example, if "Extra Group 1" is set to "Grade" and the first Account Group in this structure (based on display order) was "A Grade" then this column would show "# A Grade Accts".

  • Product 1 (used as an example only) 
    This returns the description of the first product within the selected Product Group Parameter. For example, if "Brand Z" was selected as the Product Group Parameter then this would return the first product in "Brand Z" as the header.

  • # (Grade) in Dist 
    This column returns a count of accounts within the first Account Group in the "Extra Group 1" field within Reporting Config in Perenso Administrator that have the SKU mentioned above (e.g. "Product 1") in distribution. For example, if "Extra Group 1" is set to "Grade" and the first Account Group in this structure (based on display order) was "A Grade" then this column would show "# A Grade In Dist". In distribution is defined as:
    - "In Distribution" is defined as:
    1. An account has had an order taken for the product during the selected period
    2. The ‘Dist’ column has been checked in a "Check The Store" workflow.
    - For example, if "Account X" has had "Dist" ticked on for 5 products in "Brand Z", this counts as a 1 in this column.

  • % Dist 
    This column is a calculation. The calculation is:
    # (Grade) in Dist \ # (Grade) Accts