Coverage - Frequency detail
Frequency reports are intended to allow users to see how often accounts are being called on. In this particular example, this report is the detailed version of the "Frequency Summary" report and gives users an overview by Account of the number of calls on each account for the current month and the previous 11 months (or weeks/days).
Report Location
Report Category: Coverage
Report Sub Category: Detail
Report: Frequency Detail
Report Sample
Totals & Sub-Totals
- Use - If a user is selected, only the calls done by the specified user count in the report. If "All" is selected, a call made by ANY user on the account is counted.
- All Account Groups
- Period (note this is predefined to the following):
- Last 12 months
- Last 12 weeks
- Last 12 days - Call Type
- "All"
- "Counts Towards Call Rate" - This only counts calls done by the Rep where the Call Type has been set to "This Call Type Counts towards the User's Call Rate" within Administrator
- "Does Not Count Towards Call Rate" - This only counts calls done by the Rep where the Call Type has NOT been set to "This Call Type Counts towards the User's Call Rate" within Administrator
Requirements for report
- Always show MAT Style, as in 13 Periods, most recent LHS oldest RHS.
- Accounts exist in the Perenso database.
- Report Config has been done in Administrator for "Group" parameters to show data / work.
Sort Order
- Grade
- # of Calls (descending - smallest to largest)
Column Details
- Account
This column returns the Account \ “Display Name” of any Account that visible to the User specified. - Grade
This column will return the Contact Group specified in the "Extra Group 1" field within "Reporting Config" for Accounts in Perenso Administrator. - Territory
This column will return the Contact Group specified in the "Group Reports On" field within "Reporting Config" for Accounts in Perenso Administrator. - # of Calls
This column returns the total number of completed calls on any active account for the call type and period specified within the parameters. - Current Month
The title "Current Month" is a placeholder as an example.
- "Current Month" is replaced by the description of the current month (e.g. Jun 14) if "Last 12 Months" were selected as a period.
- "Current Month" is replaced by the description of the current week (e.g. WE 07/06/14) if "Last 12 Weeks" were selected as a period.
- "Current Month" is replaced by the description of the current weekday (e.g. Tues 03 Jun) if "Last 12 Days" were selected as a period.
This column returns the total number of completed calls on the account for the call type and period specified within the parameters. - Current Month -1 through to Current Month -11
The title "Current Month -1" is a placeholder as an example.
- "Current Month -1" is replaced by the description of the month previous to the current month (e.g. May 14) if "Last 12 Months" were selected as a period.
- "Current Month -1" is replaced by the description of the previous week (e.g. WE 31/05/2014) if "Last 12 Weeks" were selected as a period.
- "Current Month -1" is replaced by the description of the previous weekday (e.g. Mon 02 Jun) if "Last 12 Days" were selected as a period.
This column returns the total number of completed calls on the account for the call type and period specified within the parameters.