This report shows sales by account by month for each Territory. 12 months at a time are shown (either MAT or Full Year - depending on the Period selected). With the "Unit Type" parameter you can change what is displayed in this report (Units, Sale Price or List Price values)

Report Location 

Report Category: Sales

Report Sub Category: Summary

Report: Sales By Account by Month

Report Sample


  • Account Groups (as set in "Reporting Config" within Perenso Administrator)
  • Period: Years and MAT periods
  • Data Type: Units or NIS or List Price 

Requirements for report 

  • Accounts exist in the Perenso database
  • Report Config has been done in Administrator for "Group" parameters to show data / work
  • "Group Reports On" has been set in Report Config in Administrator which defines how the report is broken up into sections. 

Sort Order 

  • Account Name

Column Details 

  • Account 
    This column returns the “Display Name” of any Account

  • Suburb 
    This column returns the Suburb field from the Primary Address of the Account

  • Grade (Extra Group 1) 
    This column will return the "Extra Group 1" Account Group for the account in the ‘Account Name’ column. The "Extra Group 1" Account Group is defined in Administrator within "Reporting Config". For example, if the "Extra Group 1" Account Group has been set to "Grade" then this column will return the Grade the account is in.

  • Banner (Extra Group 2) 
    This column will return the "Extra Group 2" Account Group for the account in the ‘Account Name’ column. The "Extra Group 2" Account Group is defined in Administrator within "Reporting Config". For example, if the "Extra Group 2" Account Group has been set to "Banner" then this column will return the Banner the account is in.

  • (Months) 
    These columns returns the summed relevant "Data Type" (set in the parameters of the report) for all completed Perenso Orders for the account (regardless of who took the order).