Creating a Favourite Order from a single delivery order



Viewing and Loading Past Orders to use for copying to the existing Order. This allows the user to copy a past order and re-order it again if it's a routine order.


Creating an order from a New, Current or Past Favourite


  1. Tap on the Settings button during the Order work Item


Tap Favourite Orders





  1. This screen will show your saved Favourites 


Tap on Manage





  1. Creating a New, Current and Past Favorite 


  1. Tap on the plus button to bring up the 3 options.
  2. Tap on New to create a new favorite order to use in future
  3. Tap on Current order to create a favorite from this current order
  4. Tap on Create from the past order to create a favourite from a previous order



  1. Creating a name for the New Favourite




  1. Tap on Current order to create a favorite from this current order. 



 Creating a Favourite Order from a previous multiple delivery order



Note: You may encounter this message below when creating a current favourite order.



You are given 2 options to select from.


Combine order quantities into a single favourite 


This will simply combine the current order into 1 favourite to appear as a single favourite on the   list.


Save each delivery as separate favourites 


This will simply create each delivery as a separate favourite on the list. E.g below




  1. Creating a favorite from a past order


Note: When creating a favourite from a past order, the name of the favourite will default to the date of the past order. However, you can change this.


  1. Tap on Create from the past order to create a favourite


This will then bring up a list of the past orders for this choose from.


  1. Tap on the Select button on the past order you wish to make a favourite
  2. Apply that favorite to your current order