New Features






Show Current Only filter to Pricing Tab of Product Details

When the "Show Current Prices Only" is ticked, non-current prices row will be hidden from the price table

FS9-578Support Customer email serverAdd support for Custom Email Server for sending out emails.







Admin and Manager Websites - Update the listing of Distributor accounts

Improvement on selecting Distributor default settings

FS9-198Admin and Manager Websites - Hiding/Showing Order Management columns
Allow users to hide/show Order Management columns
FS9-29Update Availability in the admin siteAvailability will now appear in Fields once set to active
FS9-515Update Account Contacts on the Admin WebsiteRemoved the Contact Name field altogether as it is no longer needed with the revamped Contact changes. Adding new contacts are now easier
FS9-317Show PDF preview thumbnails in ContentsAllow PDF to have a preview thumbnail image in the Content tile and Call
FS9-488Stop the same group/field from being added ore than once in AnalyticsA validation has been added to the Analytics Configuration page that will now prevent the same group field from being added

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue when selecting a distributor, it won't allow you to de-select it
  • Fixed an issue where the time will appear in the custom date column. Now only the date will appear