New Features
ID | Description | Comments
FS9-248 FS9-318 | Support new cascading surveys feature | The ability to create conditional cascading survey questions has been added.
ID | Description | Comments
FS9-99 | Clone Fixed Prices when cloning Fixed Priced deals | Previously, when Fixed Price deals were cloned, the Fixed Prices of the products were not cloned. Updated so this is now possible. |
FS9-165 | Update the cloning for Ranging Groups to take into account the Ranking fields | Ranking is now cloned when cloning Ranging Groups. |
FS9-218 | UX/UI of Ranking changes | Pagination and search filters improved for Ranging Groups.
FS9-246 | Improve deletion of deals | Query used for deleting deals has been updated to be more efficient.
FS9-154 | Improve ‘Distributor Accounts’ tab | ‘Distributor’ column in the Account Details has been made wider to encourage less scrolling and better visibility of Distributors and their Branches.
*FS9-195 | Allow ‘Webpage’ content to have thumbnail images | The ability to set a thumbnail image for ‘Webpage’ content has been added.
FS9-279 | Make new Distributor Account Numbers ‘Active’ by default | Newly added Distributor Account Numbers are marked ‘Active’ by default.
FS9-264 | For survey points on the answer, do a client side validation when the Points filed is empty | ‘Points’ field now becomes red when clicking on ‘Save Changes’ if it is left blank.
FS9-154 | Improve ‘Dist Acct’ column spacing in Account Details | The ‘Distributor’ column has been widened and the ‘Account Number’ column made narrower.
FS9-62 | List Wholesalers in alphabetical order in the Distributor tab | Distributors ordered in alphabetical order in the distributors tab of Product Details.
FS9-27 | Remove the ‘Send Conf’ option for the order output | Redundant ‘Send Conf’ column and checkbox removed from Order Outputs settings of Distributor Branch Details.
FS9-350 | Update Order Management to display List Price and NIS for single unit price | List Price and NIS calculation has been updated for Order Management page to take into account ‘Display order quantities as single Units only’ setting.
FS9-88 | Remove the Delivered Qty column | Removed redundant ‘Delivered Qty’ as an Order column for Order work items.
FS9-282 | Support importing fields with empty line headers | Now able to import files with empty line headers.
Bug Fixes
ID | Description | Comments
FS9-200 | Products made ‘Active’ does not show in Manager if the Order work item uses a sort order | When a product is made active, will now be seen in the Order work item at the top of the Product list.
FS9-100 | Duplication of content when using Internet Explorer | Duplicate content no longer created when using Internet Explorer to add content.
FS9-277 | Data copied from one account to another when opening multiple Account Detail tabs | Bug has been fixed and the correct data is loaded for each Account.
FS9-289 | Invalid characters can be entered in Firefox in Fixed Price deals | Unable to enter invalid characters or copy and paste invalid characters into the Fixed Price field of a Deal.
FS9-281 | Order output files are being replaced due to the same name being generated when the order output is set to ‘1 Order per Output File’ | Option to ‘Include the Order ID in the File Name’ has been added for Text Order Outputs.
FS9-148 | Error when importing additional Order Units | Error no longer seen when mapping Order Units in an import, and able to successfully import Order Units.
FS9-337 | Error when trying to add more than 1 map to a field in an import | Import now completes successfully without time out errors.
FS9-371 | Error when trying to release held product with more than one order line | Able to take products off hold even when more than one order line (different order units) were ordered.