New Features
ID | Description | Comments
FS9-162 FS9-160 | Be able to search by Distributor Identifier (PDE) in Field Sales | Added the ability to search by a product’s Distributor Identifier in the Order work item.
FS9-96 FS9-135
| Implement ‘Failed Reasons’ for Head Office Requirement and Compliance Check items | Users can now select predetermined failed reasons for Actions and Compliance Checks when set up by the Perenso Admin.
ID | Description | Comments
FS9-174 FS9-184 | Improvements to Ranging Rank column in Store Check work item | The app now supports the ability to filter by Rank in the Store Check work item for a Product Check.
FS9-112 FS9-177 | Further improvements to the ’50 Most recent with Period filter.
Ability to search history using custom date ranges added.