New Features
ID | Description | Comments
FS-3142 | Add support for copy/move of store check to do items | Now able to Copy/Move all Store Check work items to other Date Sets. |
FS-3466 FS-3467 | Create a Calculated Discount column to be available within the Order screen | A new column is available for the Order work item that will automatically calculate the discount of the deal in percentages. |
ID | Description | Comments
FS-3232 | Update the Account Group filter to be able to pick one level at a time for Structure group levels | Now able to select one structure level at a time in an Account filter. |
FS-3317 FS-3318 | Show Work Calendar in apps | Work hours now seen in 5/7 day views of the Diary. |
FS-3135 FS-3136 | Change the logic when opening an existing Order so that it does not execute a Deal Calc | When reopening an existing order, the deal will no longer be recalculated unless there is a change in quantities/deal or ‘Calculate/Apply Deal’ was manually pressed in the call. |
FS-3430 FS-3434 | Add ‘Created By’ to Call Details, Activity History & Order History | All apps updated to show ‘Created By’ user for calls. |
FS-3329 | Add ‘Account Name’ as a parameter to the ‘Sales by Account by Order’ report | The ‘Account Name’ has been added as a parameter in the ‘Sales by Account by Order’ report. |
FS-3447 | Add Account Product Order History Report work item with group selection | The ‘Product Group’ parameter has been added to the ‘Sales by Account by Order by Product’ report. |
FS-3293 | Update 3rd party components | All third party components for the apps and sites have been updated to the latest versions as of September 2018. |
Bug Fixes
ID | Description | Comments
FS-3248 | Data warehouse tables have not been updated with the new field sales | Tables no longer return errors when populating data warehouses, |
FS-3250 | Analytics allows 10 Product Groups, but database only supports 5 | Database updated to support 10 Product Groups. |
FS-3296 | Replace special characters with a space in the Address field for HSN order outputs | HSN does not support special characters, and as such, when an order is sent with special characters, the order will fail. When a long hyphen is in a description for an HSN order file, it is now replaced by a space. |
FS-3370 | HSN files are incorrectly generated with a comma for values in the thousands | Number values that are over 1000 no longer shows a comma in the HSN file. |