
Objectives have been added to the Web Manager site and can be accessed by clicking Objectives from the side menu.

The Objectives page lists the last 100 call objectives for all accounts and the default filters are set to 'My Objectives' of the logged in user with the status 'Incomplete' with 10 objectives viewed per page.

You can change the filters using the drop down menu and clicking Search.

Editing Objectives

You can change the status of an Objective by clicking on the status hyperlink.

When the confirmation popup appears, select OK to successfully complete/incomplete the objective.

To edit an objective, you can click on Edit to load the Objective Details popup where you can update the Description, Notes, Due Date and Assigned User.
You also have the option to Complete objectives through the Objective Details popup by ticking on the Mark as Completed checkbox.

You can only edit a complete objective if the Perenso Administrator has given you access.

This includes the ability to edit the status of a completed objective.

When the logged in user does not have access to edit complete objectives, both the status and edit links will be greyed out.

Create a New Objective

  1. Click on Create New Objective.

  2. Enter a Description and Select Accounts and Assign To correct user.
    These are mandatory when creating an Objective.

  3. Fill in any additional details you feel is necessary.

  4. When happy with the new objective details, click Save to add the new objective.