New Features







Ability to sort the product lists within an Order Work item.

Products can now be sorted based on the order columns within an Order Work item.

This is done by tapping on the Order columns.







Add Payment Terms as extra order info in Order History

Payment Terms selected during a call will now be available as extra info in the Order History screen.


Allow Users to choose default distributor when there is none set

Previously, when an account had no default distributor set and a user saved the Account Details page, the first distributor will be chosen as the default automatically.
We have made the page unable to save unless a default distributor has been chosen to eliminate the possibility of assigning an unwanted distributor as default.


Add ‘Last Order Date’ as an available column within an order

‘Last Order Date’ column now available in Web Admin site to set up for order work items.

Enabling this column will allow app users to view the last ordered date for each product.


Change OrdGen to populate Discount % on order outputs when a Fixed Price Deal is used

The discount field for HSN, Text, XML and Excel order output now populates the actual discount percentage for Fixed Price Deals.



Survey Question Answer History popup to only show completed calls, and increase calls to show to 10

The history of Survey Question within a Store Check has been increase from 5 to 10.

It will now only shows the history for completed calls.


Update Calls vs. Target report to include a new "YTD Total" section

'YTD Total' section have been added to the Calls vs. Target report.


Update "User Call Location" report to include a "Complete" column

Call Type and Complete column have been added to the User Call Location report.

Report is now an Export Only report.

Bug Fixes






‘Visibility Rules’ are not recalculated when an ‘Account Group Update’ work item in a Store Check is done

When an account group is updated, and the group is linked to a visibility rule, the account’s visibility rule is also changed accordingly.


‘Account Fields Update’ to do items do not show if used across multiple date sets

When you had multiple Account Field Update to do items in multiple date sets, only the Account Field Updates in the first date set would be shown.

Now able to view all Account Field Updates active for the current day even when in multiple date sets.


Unable to edit order lines that are ‘Held – Product’

Previously, when a product had a status of ‘Held – Product’ and you opened the order, the line could not be edited.

Updated to allow editing of held products.


Changes made in ‘Account Fields Update’ work item are not always saved

Previously, Perenso did not cater for having more than 1 Account Field Updates in a Store Check work item.

We now support the ability to have more than 1 Account Field Update and/or Survey Questions linked to groups within a call.


Regional Sales Vs Metro Sales By TM - Report was not loading correctly based on the parameters.

The parameters (filter) has been fixed for the following reports:

- Account Sales By Month
- Account Sales By Product by Month


"Include orders up to (X) (period) old" option is being ignored by DWLoader.

Previously the option 'Include orders up to (X) (period) old' was being ignored by the DW Loader. As a result, performances were affected when loading orders to the DW tables.

DW Loader has been updated to take into account the options. Orders loaded into the DW tables is now based on the option.


Analyser Lite Client returns an error when using XML parameters

Analyser Lite Client no longer returns an error when generating reports that uses XML parameters


OrdGen timing out when generating orders due to slow v_OrderOutput view

OrdGen no longer times out when generating orders that has an output file of Text, XML or Excel.


Review all reports for NIS value logic

NIS value logic has been reviewed and updated for the following Order Reports:

- Distributor Order with NIS & Totals
- Distributor Order with NIS, Totals & Del Date
- Distributor Order with NIS, Totals & Del Date (excl disc)
- Flexible Pricing Report


AcctGrp and AcctGrpRel tables in the data warehouse does not update when the dimensions are changed in Administrator

AcctGrp and AcctGrpRel tables are now updated when the dimension are updated in the Analytics page in Administrator.


When ‘Extra Group 1’ is set to ‘None’ Call and Order Detail with Notes report will not show results

‘Call and Order Detail with Notes’ report has been updated so the report Is successfully generated even when the ‘Extra Group 1’ is set to ‘None’.