Adding a New Objective

  1. Press the Add an Objective button located in the top right corner.
    A form will appear with several fields to complete.

  2. Enter in an Objective description.

  3. Enter some Notes.
    This step is option.

  4. Mark as Completed if already action.
    This step is optional. Turning this ON will set the objective status to Completed and will be omitted from the objectives list whenever the 'incomplete' status filter is selected.

  5. Specify a Due Date if necessary.
    This step is optional.

  6. Set a Reminder.
    This step is optional.

  7. Add to Calendar app.
    This step is optional. NOTE: Field Sales must have access to the calendar to enable this functionality.

  8. Select Account to create the objective for.
    More than one account can be selected. To save time, use the search or filter options to narrow down the results.

  9. Assign objective to the appropriate user.
    By default, the logged in user will be automatically selected.

  10. Press Save to add the objective.
    The objective should now be added successfully.

Editing Objectives

Double tap your finger on the date added (or double left click with your mouse) to bring up the Edit and Delete options.


You have the ability to set reminders so you can be notified when an objective is due. This will help you keep track of your objectives and accomplish them in a timely manner.

You can create a new objective with a reminder, or update an existing objective and add a reminder.

Objectives with reminders will have a notification symbol next to the description of the task.