
The Store Check work item is where you can gather information about a customer for the purpose of reporting, or to ensure they comply with requirements mandated by the organisation.

Each industry may use this work item in a different manner depending on how they interact with their customers, so the store check work item caters to all types of questionnaires, compliance checks and required actions.


There are a few handy controls to adjust your view.

  • Filter by Type
    This allows you to view and focus on a specific store check item type.

  • Filter by Group
    Use this to only display one group at a time.

  • Filter by status
    Choose between viewing all items or just the incomplete ones.

  • Search
    This search is limited to lookup products within the Product Check item only and works in conjunction with active filters.


Store Check Rows

Store Check items are organised by product brand or category also referred to as groups.

The heading row includes the progress of completed items within that group.

Pressing on a group's heading will reveal or hide its content.

Only 1 brand or category can be open at a time.

Store Check Columns

There are 3 columns used throughout a Store Check (except Product Check).

  • Store Check Item
    The question or task description.

  • Last Call
    What the answer or action was in the most recent call.

  • This Call
    The answer or action to record in the current call.
Answers can be cleared by pressing the X icon in the answered Store Check item. 
Doing this also removes any attached notes or photos.

Store Check Summary Bar
The Store Check work item has a Store Check bar at the bottom which shows the Distribution percentage, Signature and Total Survey points (if enabled).

Additional Settings
The Perenso Administrator can customise Store Check work items in a number of ways.

Mandatory Items
The Perenso Administrator has the ability to make certain work items mandatory. You will not be able to leave the work item until all mandatory items (in red) have been completed.

Taking of notes/photos can be made mandatory for Compliance Check and Action To Do items by the Perenso Administrator. If the item has mandatory photos or notes on the selected answer, the icons are displayed and you will not be able to leave the work item until they are done.

Signature Capture
Signatures may be required for capture whilst answering a Store Check work item if enabled by the Perenso Administrator.