- Choose the deal you want wish to use with the deals filter.
The default deal chosen is whichever comes first alphabetically. - Take an order
If you would like more information on this step, you can view the article Taking an Order. - Apply the deal
Assuming you have already selected the deal you intend to use, pressing the Apply Deal button will force any products in that deal to use it if it meets the minimum order quantity necessary to obtain the benefit.
A product can only be linked to one deal per order – so if the product is already assigned to a deal and you switch to another one that also includes the same product, pressing “Apply Deal” will prompt a message advising you that if you want the new deal then it will be removed from its current one. - Change discount level
Perenso will automatically choose the top discount level according the hierarchy set up by the Perenso Administrator.
If you wish to select another discount level from the deal, you can do this by tapping on the Discount which has been applied.
A popup with a list of other discount levels within the deal will be shown.
Choose the discount level you wish to apply.
If the Perenso Administrator allows referred orders, you will be able to apply deals and discount levels even if the trigger has not been met.
For more information, jump to the Referred Orders section of this article. Confirm the order
Go to the Order Summary to go over order details and save.
More information can be found in the article Confirming an Order.
Stock Giveaway
Giveaway deals can be setup to assign products automatically without user interaction, or can allow the user free reign to choose from a pre-defined selection of products.
- When this deal type is triggered, a status bar will appear at the bottom of the screen to display the credit amount remaining and how much has been used.
- Allocate Bonus or free stock
Products that are eligible as giveaway stock are identified by the blue "add" and "remove" buttons in the Bonus/Free column.
Note: The stock being given away will always use the standard list price of the product as the value to deduct from the available credit amount.
Referred Deals
All referred deals must be approved by head office and until it is done so, they are saved as 'Held - Referred'.
- Choose the deal from the deal filter
- Take an order
- Apply the deal
If no products meet the trigger requirements, the best deal according to Perenso's algorithm will be applied (similar to the Products Ordering Mode). - Change the discount level
If the discount level is red, it is indication that the trigger requirements are not met and it will be a referred deal when selected. - When you are leaving the Order work item, the referral popup will be seen.
Here, you need to explain why the discount should be applied.