Objectives is your personal task manager.
You can create any to-do item for your accounts - usually actions which aren’t specified in your call workflow - to be completed at any time before, during or after a call.
The main functions of the Objectives menu item is to add and edit objectives, click here for a in-depth article on how to do so.
Objectives List
Each task will be listed here with the following column headings:
- Created (Date)
- Objectives(Description)
- Account
- Due by (Date)
- Completed (Date)
- Status (Incomplete or Completed)
View Settings
Use these settings if you wish to only display objectives based on specific criteria. For example, only show objectives between two selected dates and also sort them by earliest Due Date.
Tap on one of the available then choose a criteria. The date specific settings such as Due Date will require you to choose a time period.
Available view settings:
Sort by:
- Date Added
- Date Completed
- Due Date
- Any
- Before
- After
- Between
Apply View Settings. Tap Apply to save the view settings. You will now see your objectives listed in your customised view.
Reset View Settings. Open the View Settings pane and choose Reset. Performing this action will revert to the original default settings.
Owner Filter
By default, the logged in users assigned objectives will be listed but this setting can easily be changed to show objectives from other users.
- All objectives
- My objectives (default setting)
- Other objectives
This setting controls which objectives to list based on its current status - Incomplete, Complete or Both.
- All Statuses
- Incomplete (default setting)
- Complete
Tap on the Search bar then enter in a keyword or phrase to help find objectives.
Note: The search will only produce results based on the current view settings so remember to clear them to widen your search.