
Work Items are made of To Do items.

Within some To Do items, you need to add things for Reps to do.

For example:

  • Within a Product Check work item, you can configure what things you want your reps to capture and for what product groups.
  • Withing a Head Office Requirement work items you can configure the questions you want your reps to answer and for what product groups.
  • Within a Survey Question work item, you can configure the questions you want your reps to answer and for what product groups.
Below are detailed steps on how to create each To Do items.

Call Objectives
  1. Login to Perenso Administrator
  2. Click on Diary > Call Types from the left menu
  3. Open the "Face to Face" call type
  4. Click on the Work Items tab
  5. Click the Create New Work Item button
  6. Enter a description (e.g. Call Objectives)
  7. Set the Work Item Type to Call Objectives 
  8. Click Save

Product Check
  1. Login to Perenso Administrator
  2. Click on Diary > Call Types from the left menu
  3. Open the "Face to Face" call type
  4. Click on the Work Items tab
  5. Click on the Store Check work item
  6. Click the Add To Do Item button
    If "Add To Do Item" does not appear as a button on your screen, you will need to create a date set. A date set gives you the ability to have different things for the reps to check at different times. Simply click "Create A Date Set" and either accept the default (forever) or pick a from and to date. 
  7. Select Product Check -> Create To Do Item and click Create To Do Item 
  8. Tick on the boxes DistributionFacings and Shelf Price under the "Select the things to Check/Enter" section
  9. Tick on the box All Products (which is just the name of a Product Group) under the "Select the Product Groups that contain the Products you want to Check" section
  10. Click Save Changes

Head Office Requirements
  1. Login to Perenso Administrator
  2. Click on Diary > Call Types from the left menu
  3. Open the "Face to Face" call type
  4. Click on the Work Items tab
  5. Click on the Store Check work item
  6. Click the Add To Do Item button
    If "Add To Do Item" does not appear as a button on your screen, you will need to create a date set. A date set gives you the ability to have different things for the reps to check at different times. Simply click "Create A Date Set" and either accept the default (forever) or pick a from and to date. 
  7. Select Product Check -> Head Office Requirement - Compliance Check and click Create To Do Item 
  8. Enter a description
  9. Under the section titled "Select the Information Types to record" click "Add More Types" to add a new record
  10. Under the section "Select the Product Groups that contain the Products you want to Check", ensure "Eye Care" is ticked as this will then be available for the Rep to choose
  11. Click Save Changes

Rep Initiated Over and Above
  1. Login to Perenso Administrator
  2. Click on Diary > Call Types from the left menu
  3. Open the "Face to Face" call type
  4. Click on the Work Items tab
  5. Click on the Store Check work item
  6. Click the Add To Do Item button
    If "Add To Do Item" does not appear as a button on your screen, you will need to create a date set. A date set gives you the ability to have different things for the reps to check at different times. Simply click "Create A Date Set" and either accept the default (forever) or pick a from and to date. 
  7. Select Rep Initiated Over and Above and click Create To Do Item 
  8. Enter a description
  9. Under the section titled "Select the Over and Above Types" click "Add More Types" to add a new record
  10. Enter a Type you want to capture. For example "Display Bins" or "Counter Unit"
  11. Ensure "Active" is checked
  12. Under the section "Select the Product Groups to check and add any associated Content", ensure "Eye Care" is ticked as this will then be available for the Rep to choose
  13. Click Save Changes

Competitor Information
  1. Login to Perenso Administrator
  2. Click on Diary > Call Types from the left menu
  3. Open the "Face to Face" call type
  4. Click on the Work Items tab
  5. Click on the Store Check work item
  6. Click the Add To Do Item button
    If "Add To Do Item" does not appear as a button on your screen, you will need to create a date set. A date set gives you the ability to have different things for the reps to check at different times. Simply click "Create A Date Set" and either accept the default (forever) or pick a from and to date. 
  7. Select Product Check -> Competitor Information and click Create To Do Item 
  8. Enter a description (e.g. Competitor Information)
  9. Under the section titled "Select the Information Types to record" click "Add More Types" to add a new record
  10. Enter a Competitor Information type you want to capture. For example "Sales Price"
  11. Ensure "Active" is checked
  12. Under the section "Select the Product Groups to check and add any associated Content", ensure "Eye Care" is ticked as this will then be available for the Rep to choose
  13. Click Save Changes

Survey Question
  1. Login to Perenso Administrator
  2. Click on Diary > Call Types from the left menu
  3. Open the "Face to Face" call type
  4. Click on the Work Items tab
  5. Click on the Store Check work item
  6. Click the Add To Do Item button
    If "Add To Do Item" does not appear as a button on your screen, you will need to create a date set. A date set gives you the ability to have different things for the reps to check at different times. Simply click "Create A Date Set" and either accept the default (forever) or pick a from and to date. 
  7. Select Survey Question and click Create To Do Item 
  8. Enter a description for your question (e.g. What is our shelf presence?)
  9. Under the section titled "Question Type" either select "This is a General Survey Question" or select a specific Product Group (this defines where the question is available to answer on the iPad)
  10. From the section titled "Answer Type":
    Select the "Type of Answer".
    - A "Pick From List" answer allows the user to pick a single answer from a list of answers you define. If "Allow Multiple Selections" is also checked the user can select more than 1 answer
    - A "Text" answer allows the user to enter free text to answer the question

    If you have selected a "Pick From List" answer:
    - Click Add More Options
    - Enter a description of one of the answers you want to be available for the user to select
    - Repeat the above step adding as many answers as required 
  11. Click Save Changes

Content View
  1. Login to Perenso Administrator
  2. Click on Diary > Call Types from the left menu
  3. Open the "Face to Face" call type
  4. Click on the Work Items tab
  5. Click the Create New Work Item button
  6. Enter a description (e.g. Content)
  7. Set the Work Item Type to Content View 
  8. Click Save 
  9. Enter an email address in the From Email Address field. This will be the default email address used as the "sender email" if a user chooses to send a piece of content via email to an account
  10. Click Add Content to select the content you want to be available to view
  11. If you have already added content via the Content menu item in Administrator (see Adding Content), these items will appear in the list.
    Simply click Select to select each piece of content. If you have not previously added content:
    - Click Create New Content
    - Under the General tab, enter a Description of the image. This is shown below the image within the Field Sales app
    - Enter any tags you may want to attach to this image.
    - Applying tags to an image allows you to find similar images in Administrator later on.
    - Under the Links section, nothing is required to be done.
    - Under the Content section, click Choose A File
    - Browse to the file you want to upload. Note that the only supported content is jpg, png, pdf or mp4.
    - You can also choose to upload a Preview Image which is a smaller version of the file you have uploaded. This is used on the left hand side of the Content screen (see screenshot below). If you do not have a smaller version of the file, select Or Make Thumbnail of Current Content
    - Click Save Changes
    - Once the image has uploaded, click Go back to the Work Item you were editing 
  12. Click Save Changes