
There are 2 types of Head Office Requirements, a Compliance Check and Action.

Compliance Checks are done when you want the Rep to check that a store is compliance to something that was agreed at a Head Office level.

The answer types are 'Check Passed' or 'Check Failed'.

These can have notes or photos associated with the answers.

Actions are done when you want the rep to 'Do the work' in a store that was agreed at a Head Office level.

The answer types are 'Done' or 'Not Done'.

Reps can add notes or photos associated with the answers.

Adding a Head Office Requirement

  1. Login to Perenso Administrator.
  2. Click on Diary > Call Types from the left menu.
  3. Open the call type you wish to add the Head Office Requirement to.
  4. Click on the Work Items tab.
  5. Click on the Store Check work item.
  6. Click the Add To Do Item button.
    If "Add To Do Item" does not appear as a button on your screen, you will need to create a date set. A date set gives you the ability to have different things for the reps to check at different times. Simply click "Create A Date Set" and either accept the default (forever) or pick a from and to date. 
  7. Select Product Check > Head Office Requirement - Compliance Check and click Create To Do Item.
  8. Enter a description.
  9. Under the section titled "Select the Information Types to record" click "Add More Types" to add a new record.
  10. Under the section "Select the Product Groups that contain the Products you want to Check".
  11. Click Save Changes.