
On this tab, you have the option to change the Description of the work item as well as the ability to limit the work item to a product structure or group.

Store Check Types
There are 5 different Store Check types you can add:

  • Account Update
    The Account Update to-do item allows app users to update Account Groups and Structures within the Store Check work item of a Call.

    Adding the Account Update to-do item to a Call
    Linking Fields to an Account Update

  • Survey Question
    This item type can be used for surveying customers and recording their responses from a list of pre-defined answers or inputting an answer in the text fields.

  • Compliance Check
    This head office requirement us used to capture whether or not the customer is complying with a particular conduct.
    A compliance check can have an answer of 'Check Passed' or 'Check Failed' with accompanying notes or photos.

  • Action
    This head office requirement is used when a task should be completed as part of an agreement and recorded as either being 'Done' and 'Not Done' with notes and/or a photo if applicable.

  • Product Check
    This is used for performing a 'walk the store' to check distribution status, stock levels, facings, shelf pricing, or make a suggested order.
    If Core Ranging is part of your organisation's business rules, then it is recommended to turn on the Ranging column.

Date Set

The date set is the date range the to do items are set to appear for.