A Product Check is a To Do item of a Store Check work item.
This can be useful for reporting, allowing you detect any trends in the data.
It can be a good method to gauge whether your product has good market presence or to categorise stores based on sales.
Adding a Product Check
- Go to Diary > Call Types > Work Items > Store Check.
- Click on Add To Do Item.
- Select Product Check as the to do type and click Create To Do Item.
- The new Product Check to do item will be successfully created and the Product Check Details page will be loaded for you to configure the to do item.
Details Tab
One of the tabs of the Product Check Details page is the Details tab. Here you can configure how and what is checked by the users of the app.
Select the things to Check/Enter
Perenso offers the user to be able to check:
- Distribution: If a product is sold at the store. This will allow app users to know how long ago a product was last checked in a quick glance.
- Facings: Number of the product on the shelf which is facing the customer.
- Shelf Price: How much the product is being sold for at the store.
- Stock on Hand: Number of the product the store currently has.
- Suggested Order: Suggested number of the product to be ordered.
This number is then carried over to the order work item as a guide which can be used. - Ranging: You can set up ranging groups to determine which products should be ranged by that store.
Users of the app are able to filter according to these ranging groups in the product check.
To set up ranging groups, click here. - Last Checked: Last time the product was checked by the user.
You can turn any of these options on and off by checking and unchecking the checkbox.
Date Set
You are able to change the date set of the product check by using the date set drop down which will list all the date sets you currently have.
If you want to create a date set, more information can be found on this article.
Select the Product Groups that contain the Products you want to Check
This section will list all the products you currently have.
From here, you have the option of selection which products to check.
This is useful if you wish to have different things to check for different groups of products, allowing you to further customise the product check for each product group, or even individual products if you wish.
Once you select a product, you have the option of linking content to the product which can be seen in the app by the users.
- To do this, click Add Content.
- Once the Add Content popup loads, you can either Select content which you have already uploaded to the site, or Create New Content to link.
- Click Done to link the content.
Make sure to click Save Changes to apply all changes made.
Accounts Tab
Here, you can set up account criteria so the work item is only viewable to certain accounts.
The default is set to Apply to All Accounts, however, you can uncheck this and create visibility rules to choose which accounts can see the Product Check.