Add a Distributor 

  1. Click on Ordering > Distributors from the left menu.
    The Distributors list will be displayed.

  2. Click on Create New Distributor.

  3. In the General Details section, fill in the following information:
    Distributor Name (Mandatory): The name of your Distributor/Branch
    ID: If you prefer to use your own identifier, enter in field, if empty, will default to using the display name as the distributor identifier
    Is this Distributor Active?: Set whether the Distributor/Branch is active or not
    Send Orders to this Distributor these number of days before the Delivery is due: Set the numbers of days you want the order to be send out before the delivery date
    This Distributor requires an Account Number for an Order: Account Numbers are mandatory for the distributor/branch
    Account Number Mask: Mask for the account number
    An Account can have more than 1 Account Number with this Distributor: Allows the same Distributor/Branch to have more than 1 Account Number

  4. Click on Save Changes.

  5. Return to the Distributors List.
    The Distributor should be added successfully.
    Note: When adding your first Distributor, it will automatically create a Branch. The rule we are following is that a Distributor requires at least 1 Branch.

Adding a Branch to a Distributor 

  1. Click on Add Branch for the Distributor you want to add the branch to.

  2. In the Add Branch popup, enter in the Branch Name and Short Description.
    Note: It is recommended to keep the Short Description Unique when adding multiple branches.

  3. Click on Save.
    The Branch should be added successfully.

Adding Order Outputs 

  1. Choose order output setting:
    No Orders Output. Mark Orders as Sent.: Automatically marks all orders with no outputs as sent. Go to step 7 if this option is chosen.
    Send Orders to this Distributor via: Orders remain in pending until order is sent through an existing order output. If chosen, move on to next step.

  2. Click on Add in the Order Outputs section.

  3. Click here  for further instructions on adding an email or FTP as the order output.
    Click here if you want to add a HSN order output.

  4. The Distributor/Branch is saved and setup correctly.