An Order Output determines how the orders are formatted and generated. This file will be sent to the Distributor. Depending on the Distributor, the orders may need to be in a specific format.
In Perenso, we support the following formats:
- Excel
- Report
- Text
- Click on Ordering > Order Outputs from the left menu.
- Click on Create New Order Output.
- Enter in a Description.
- In the Output Type drop down menu, select the Type you want the order output to be.
- If you want to base the new order output on an existing one, make sure to tick the Base this Order Output on checkbox.
- Click on Create.
The Order Output method should be created successfully. - In the Order Output Description section, you can only update the Description. If you want to change the Output Type, you will need to create a new one.
- In the Run Schedule section, you can set up when the order output is generated.
- In the Export Configuration section, you can set the export settings. Each Order Type may contain different settings.
- 1 Order per Output File: Each order will have its own output file instead of all orders being in one file
- File Name Prefix: The text that will go in front of the file name
- 1 Order per Output File: Each order will have its own output file instead of all orders being in one file
- Include the Order ID in the File Name: The order ID will be in the file name. This will only works if the order output contains 1 order ID
- File Name Prefix: The text that will go in front of the file name
- Report To Use: The report that the Order Output will be using to generate the orders
- Separate Fields with: The character that will be use to separate the fields in the text file. For example: a comma
- Delimit Text Fields with: The character that will be use to delimit the text field
- 1 Order per Output File: Each order will have its own output file instead of all orders being in one file
- File Name Prefix: The text that will go in front of the file name
- File Extension: The format of the order output file. For example: txt or csv
- 1 Order per Output File: Each order will have its own output file instead of all orders being in one file
- File Name Prefix: The text that will go in front of the file name
- File Extension: The format of the order output file. For example: XML - In the File Layout section, you can set up how the file will look like and what information the file will contains. Click on Setup Section.
The Order Output Sections popup will load. - Select the sections you want then click on Done. The sections should be added.
- Click on Add Field for the section you want to add a field for the output.
- In the Add Field screen, choose a field type:
- Data Field: This contains the fields related to the section
- Constant Value: Use this when you want a constant value - Choosing Data Field:
- Select the Field Source (The field source will determine what fields you are able to pick)
- Select the Field you want in the Field drop down menu
- <optional> You can set a Prefix/Suffix for the data in the field
- <optional> You can format the data in the field
- Click on Save
- The field should be added successfully to the section - Choosing Constant Value.
- Enter in the Constant value.
- Click on Save.
- The field should be added successfully to the section.
- Click on Save Changes.