
Bulk Uploading content allows you to quickly upload content into Perenso.

General guidelines to Bulk uploading are:

  • Ensure the content are save with similar names to the product. This will enable Perenso to provide a list of possible products associated with the content.
  • Ensure content are compress to smaller file size. This will assist with memory capacity on the iPad .


  1. Click on Content.

  2. Click Create New Content.
    The New Content screen will appear. This screen allows you to select the album in which you like to add the content to or create links between content, product and work item.

  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the new content.

  4. In the Labels field, enter tags so content can be searched.

  5. In the Albums field, enter a description for a new album or select an existing one.

  6. Untick Date Range if there is a start and end date to your content and add in the dates.

  7. In the Content section, click Choose a File, and select the files you wish to upload.

  8. In the Preview Image section, click Choose a File or Make Thumbnail of Current Content for the display preview image.

  9. In the Link section, click Add New Link to link the content to a product or work item.

  10. Click Save Changes to save content.