
Membership allows you to associate products to a Group within a Product Field.
Here, you can either:
  • Move products to another group in the product group field
  • Add products to another group within the product group field
  • Remove products from all groups in the selected Product Group Field


  1. Click on System Config > Product Config from the left menu.

  2. Click on the Description of the Field type that you want to add products to.

  3. To modify Membership, click on the Membership tab.

  4. Click Find Products and select the products you would like to add/remove.

  5. Once the products have been selected, click on one of the options:
    - Move the Products to another Group
    - Add the Products to another Group
    - Remove Products from all Groups

  6. If you are adding or moving products, select the group for the products.

  7. Confirm your action.

  8. The Product Field should be added successfully.