
Perenso allows for you to have multiple Call Types. For example, you may have a Face To Face call, a Training Call and a Phone Call - all of which users can select from when calling on an account.

Perenso also allows for you to define which Call Types count in reports and which ones don't. For example, you might want Face To Face calls to count in reports but you may want to exclude Phone Calls. To do this, you would set Face To Face calls to "Count Towards Call Rate" and Phone Calls to "Not Count Towards Call Rate".


  1. From the left hand side select Diary > Call Types.

  2. Click on a Call Type within the list.

  3. Tick on the box "This Call Type Counts towards the User's Call Rate" for the Call Types you want to include in your reports.

  4. Tick off the box "This Call Type Counts towards the User's Call Rate" for the Call Types you want to exclude from your reports.

  5. Click Save Changes to save.